Psychological Components
The key Psychological Components for Tennis Players
(Book: tennis science by Machar Reid, Bruce Elliott &Miguel Crespo)
Movivation, concentration, emotions, and confidence - that can help an athlete perform at their maximum, together with the main strategies that players can use to improve them.
Fight - the ability to be combative during the matchplay
Effort - the use of physical or mental energy
Commitment - the attitude of being engaged or obliged to achieve
Fun - enjoyment, or pleasure in play
Goals - the objectives and aims of a given action
Focus - the center in which interest converges
Eyes - one of the key body parts that affect concentration
Constant - the need for concentration to be contiuous, recurrent, and regular
Cues - the signals or sources of information in the surrounding enviroment
Variable - the feature of concentration that needs to adapt to the enviroment
Control - the influence over feelings
Activation - a state of physical and psychological arousal which runs along a continuum from deep sleep to intense excitement
Relaxation - a state free of stress or tension
Routines - rituals to help attain a particular mental state
Feedback - the inforamtion derived from a particular evemt
Faith - the belief on one's capbilities to achieve a goal
Efficacy - the opinon on how efficient you are when faced with a challenge
Image - the concept projected by somone
Self-talk - the ability to effctively use verbal communication with onself to affect performance